Book an Adult Autism Appointment
Should I have an Initial Consultation before a Formal Adult Autism Diagnostic Assessment?
Dr Briffa recommends an initial consultation, before undertaking an adult autism diagnostic assessment. In an initial consultation, the features of autism you have identified can be screened, along with the breadth of psychiatric conditions. This is really valuable, because features of autism commonly overlap with those of other psychiatric conditions, or are combined with psychiatric symptoms, physical symptoms and other neurodevelopmental symptoms. An initial consultation will allow opportunity for broad assessment. Dr Briffa has sometimes had patients wondering if they have adult autism? Patients may use online screening tools that suggest they might, too. The patient and tools will be telling us something very useful. However, broad initial psychiatric assessment has then often uncovered other symptoms, most commonly thinking, behaviour and sensory processing that look similar to, or are combined with adult autism features. Anxiety and trauma-related conditions can be important, commonly. In short, some patients who quite understandably worry they might have adult autism, supported by screening tools, may find that there are other helpful frameworks for their difficulties, and therefore different next best steps, and recovery potential. After your initial consultation, Dr Briffa will let you know if she recommends a formal adult autism diagnostic assessment, or not. Dr Briffa is also happy and skilled to undertake adult autism diagnostic assessment in the first instance, if this is your preference. If you decide to move straight towards an adult autism diagnostic assessment, you are assured of Dr Briffa’s full support and respect. Dr Briffa understands that there may be numerous reasons behind a request for an adult autism diagnostic assessment in the first instance. At the end of your adult autism diagnostic assessment, Dr Briffa will guide you as to whether any of your symptoms indicate you could benefit from broader assessment, and provide a follow up recommendation, if relevant, to explore this.
Book an Initial Consultation before a Formal ADHD Assessment (recommended)
Select a 90 or 60 minute Initial Consultation
1 hr 30 min
540 British pounds1 hr
360 British pounds
What's the difference between a 90 and 60 minute Initial Consultation?
The initial consultation can include an autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions screen, along with other psychiatric disorders.
After the Initial consultation with Dr Briffa, you will receive a written opinion and recommendations.
Book an Adult Autism Assessment with Dr Briffa
2 hr
720 British pounds
The formal Autism Diagnostic Assessment will be with you and ideally an informant (someone who has known you since early childhood).
Once the assessment has been completed, Dr Briffa will provide you with a written opinion and recommendations.
We will send you questionnaires to complete in advance of the assessment.
Please return all questionnaires at least 2 working days prior to the assessment.
Follow up consultations are also offered following your assessment.
Payment is required in advance, at the time of booking the appointment.